Monthly Archives: February 2017

The Passion Of The Christ: A DVD To Avoid

Much was made of The Passion of the Christ when it was released in theaters. Now the DVD is available. This motion picture caused great controversy in the church because so many evangelicals and others praised it so highly while a few discerning Christians utterly condemned it. But for the Christian who claims the Bible alone as his or her authority for belief and practice, there should be no controversy. I intend to cover as many points as possible in a short space to show why this movie is not only unsuitable viewing for Christians, but is in fact blasphemous and a tool, not for bringing people to Christ, but for preparing them for Antichrist.


The Lie

Romans 1:25 speaks of people “who exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.” Like the quote above, most English translations say “a lie.” But the Greek texts say “the lie.” I believe that the Holy Spirit inspired Paul to write “the lie” for a very particular reason, and I want to explain why. And I also want you to see why this is important in understanding our relationship as Christians to the world in which we now live.


Is Doctrine a Dirty Word?

Doctrine divides, love unites. You may have heard such bromides as this and the variations on its second half, such as …Christ unites, …service unites, …spirituality unites, …the Spirit unites, …practice unites, and so forth. All are down on doctrine as divisive, and divisiveness is seen as bad. Notice this from an emergent church, process theologian writer: “In a world of multiple spiritual possibilities, today’s seekers focus on experience rather than doctrine, and rightly so. In their experience, doctrine divides and deadens while experience unites and transforms” (“A Tapestry of Belief and Experience“).


The Greatest Heresy of Our Time

I have lately in several articles pointed out the dangers of Christian political involvement, and have specifically mentioned Christian Conservatism (sometimes spelled Conservativism) as one of the most dangerous turns Christianity has ever taken. I’m not sure, however, that I’ve really made clear why I believe that Christian Conservatism, partnered with the legalist leach that invariably hangs onto it, is now the greatest heresy of our time. In this article, I want to give you some background about the great apostasy of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Liberal Christianity, and show how this has now been largely superseded in the twenty-first century by Christian Conservatism. You might be surprised to learn that Liberal Christianity and Christian Conservatism share a major tenet. I want to make clear the vast difference between Christian Conservatism and Conservative Christianity and establish why Christian Conservatism is so insidious and dangerous to the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.