
Should Christians Seek to Be Magistrates?

It is not often questioned now whether a Christian should be a magistrate, hold a political office, or work for the government in some capacity. In fact, in recent years, the question in the United States has rather been whether it is right to vote for someone who is not a Christian. But this was not always the case. In past centuries, the question of whether Christians should be magistrates was one that many took seriously. In this article, I want to show how I came to this question, give a little historical background to the question, and point out some Scriptures that I believe answer it very clearly.


Christians, Voting, and Politics

We recently had an election here in the United States. I didn’t vote. Why? Besides the fact, as I have stated before, that even the best choice is still merely the lesser or two or three evils—and the lesser among evils is still evil (see “Voting for the Lesser of Two Evils Is Evil“)—another reason I didn’t vote is that my real citizenship is not in the United States of America.